Los 274
Aphilas, circa 310-325. 1/8 Chrysos (Gold, 8 mm, 0.32 g, 12 h). Draped bust of Aphilas to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring; to right, pellet in crescent. Rev. ΑΦΙ/ΛΛ•C / ΒΛ•CI/ΛЄΥ in four lines. Hahn, Aksumite, 6. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 7.95 (this coin). Munro-Hay, AC, type 8. A superb and fresh example of this small denomination. Minor deposits on the obverse, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection, privately acquired from Gert Boersema in June 2017 and ex Gorny & Mosch 216, 15 October 2013, 2657A1.

The rather crude style of both the bust and the letters on the reverse indicates that this is likely a contemporary or posthumous imitation (see also the comment under Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 7).
500 CHF
400 CHF
600 CHF
Anzahl Gebote:
Auf den Zuschlagspreis ist ein Aufgeld von 20% zu entrichten.

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